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Turn a drawing into embroidery

Author: Gary Walker  Date Posted:7 July 2020 

My grandchildren love to draw and when 5 year old Peyton drew this little masterpiece I couldn’t resist turning it into a unique embroidery that is now hanging on her bedroom wall. It’s such a cute original drawing...and who doesn’t believe unicorns? They are almost as magical as the Brother My Design Center!

Individual creativity is now even more accessible with the stunning features of Brother’s My Design Center.

You, yes you, can create your own unique designs quickly and easily on the huge colour touch screen that is synonymous with Brother. No computer or digitizing software needed and best of all, creating a special design takes minutes, not hours.

Start with a simple drawing by a child, something you’ve penned yourself, a colouring-in book page or even a full colour clip art file from a simple google search (there are millions available). My Design Center will turn these images into embroidery files right before your eyes. You can even edit or customize the designs right on the machine screen, quickly and easily.

My Design Centre Built-In Shapes & Fill PatternsThere are also the auto stippling and quilting options which allow you to apply perfectly stitched scalable quilting backgrounds that the machine cleverly knows where not to stitch. It’s so easy to create a stunning quilt block or even quilt as you go without needing years of experience. 

Quite frankly I could write pages and page of information on My Design Center which, incidentally, is available on four different Brother models including Stellaire XE1 & Stellaire XJ1, the Luminaire XP1 and the all-conquering PR1050X ten needle model.

On top of the My Design Center, there are the other incredible and exclusive Brother technology features, like the InnovEye Camera and the new My Design Snap app. 

It is far more informative and inspiring to watch the videos on our website. So, if you’re dreaming of your next machine then please check out our super deals on all Brother models. Remember, we can always tailor a package to suit your individual needs.   

1: Draw it
Child drawing
2: Snap it (Stellaire) or Scan it (Luminaire)
Take a photo withMy Design Snap App
3: Convert it
Convert drawing into embroidery on your machine
4. Customise it (if you want)
Edit childs drawing embroidery with My Design Centre
5: Stitch it
Stitch Kids Drawing Brother Stellaire
6: Gift it, Display it, Enjoy it!
Turn Drawing Into Embroidery My Design Center Display Wall Hanging

Platinum members will receive an exclusive bonus Foldable Fan with physical orders over $75 in the month of January! Bonus gift will be added at checkout. Exclusions apply. Offer ends 31st January 2025.

Do you feel like you could be creating a whole lot more than what your current machine allows you to? Are you yearning to expand your creative possibilities? It might be time for an upgrade!

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