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Schmetz Hemstitch (Wing) Needles are used with loosely woven fabrics for decorative seams and hemstitches. The "wings" on both sides of the needle blade push the fabric threads to the side, creating the conventional hemstitch look. This effect is aided by the fabric threads, which prevent the fabric from returning to its original position.

The best results and the most visible holes are achieved by using a decorative stitch where the needle is inserted multiple times into the same stitch hole. This needle type is best known for traditional hemstitch needlework in fine batiste or eyelet embroidery on linen.


  • Wing-like needle blade
  • Slightly rounded point merging into particular shape

Fabric use: Light or medium weight loosely woven fabrics.

Quantity: One (1) needle per card. 

Brand Schmetz
Products available
NE1107H Schmetz Hemstitch/Wing Needle Size 100/16
NE1107AH Schmetz Hemstitch/Wing Needle Size 120/19

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